If you cannot find the information you need or answer to your questions here, please contact us on hls.advice.centre@dmu.ac.uk or 0116 257-7749 or pop in and see us in Edith Murphy House, Lower Ground Floor, Room 00.06. We are open Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 4.30pm and Friday 8.30am – 4pm.

Link to online attendance form: attendance.dmu.ac.uk/HLS

Accessing a Teams Meeting from the MyDMU Timetable App

Please note that students accessing a Teams meeting from the MyDMU timetable link are advised to do this via the Teams application rather than their browser in order to get the best experience when joining and engaging in online meetings. Please refer to your induction pack for further information. 

This site provides advice and guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate taught students. If you are a postgraduate research student please contact the Doctoral College at researchstudents@dmu.ac.uk